
In America it is now either Fight or Flight

This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press, because without America there is no freedom.

Our willfully blind, headlong charge into an abyss of nihilism continues unabated. I voted twice for Donald Trump, and I certainly will vote for him a third time, but any notion that one man and control of both houses of Congress for 4 years will be able to heal our gangrenous and #-riddled body politic and rid us or neutralize the Deep State witch doctors that have led us to sorry position, is a view through rose-colored glasses equal to thinking Joe Biden could master fifth year college Latin in the space of a weekend. We are in for a prolonged battle. Arm yourselves and dig in.

- Sunday, May 5, 2024

No Arrests Were Made

New York City’s huge swarm of illegal aliens is getting restless. A few days ago several thousands descended on City Hall to vent their unhappiness. What were they complaining about? They were unhappy about being moved out of luxury hotels and into shelters! As a result of the disturbances of their unlicensed mob, security at City Hall is being beefed up. No arrests were made.

- Sunday, May 5, 2024

Make These Four Changes or the Nation is Lost

Caesar was quoting from a Greek comedy when he declared that the die was cast, but our present path and its subsequent outcome is no comedy. Time is running out for America to act.

Strong believers and true disciples being the exception, most Americans think if they attend a church once in a while and drop a dollar in the plate, they feel assured that they have done God a favor.

- Sunday, May 5, 2024

It's Not Your Parents' Democrat Party Anymore

Photoshop: Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama

Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street. -- Joseph Goebbels

If there is ever a time in our recent history that proves the Democrats are destroying our country, it is now!

The streets are filled with hateful, young, anti-American, ignorant students who see injustice everywhere, without the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to provide.

- Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dairy Farmers Jailing Questionable

The Biden administration's increasing scrutiny of farmers has led to a particularly noteworthy case in central Pennsylvania, involving a couple of dairy farmers.

Three weeks ago, two farmers were arrested and placed in jail. Ethan Wentworth of Airville, York County, and Rusty Herr of Christiana, Lancaster County, have been in their respective county prisons since April 10 and 11. Herr and Wentworth run NoBull Solutions, LLC., a breeding company that helps dairy farms with cattle reproductive management.

- Sunday, May 5, 2024
